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EFS Combust 5 oz

SKU: EFS5 Categories: , Tags: , ,

Gas prices have dropped so we dropped the price of EFS to 40% off plus free shipping!


Product Description



  • The EFS Combust Gas Additive reformulates and shortens the hydrocarbon chains in the fuel.
  • Stops the deterioration of rubber gas lines, fuel pump diaphragms, carburetor gaskets.
  • Combustion temperatures are reduced by an average of 10%.
  • The improved combustion produces a measurable increase in horsepower and torque in mid range of the power band. Dyno proven
  • Helps reduce emissions, nitrogen oxide, plus unburned hydrocarbons are significantly reduced. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide see moderate reductions. These reductions in emissions, combined with the cooler operating temperature reduces heat signature and wear on critical engine components
  • Independent laboratories have verified an increase in lubricity of 8% reducing wear and providing for greater intervals between engine overhauls. Makes the fuel perform like it has lead in the fuel needed for older vehicles.may_efscombust_rd1-2may_efscombust_rd1-3